TISM's debut live show, "The Get Fucked Concert", was such dismal failure that the band immediately broke up. Artistically spent and effectively bankrupt (both economically and morally) TISM retreated to their Punt Road sanctuary to lick their wounds and contemplate life, and why girls wouldn't go out with them. Having read in the Juke magazine that girls apparently were quite taken with rock musicians, TISM eventually decided to give it another go, totally missing the point that wearing balaclavas might counter the desired outcome vis-a-vis conducive relationships with members of the opposite sex.
Freshly reunited, and rehearsed to a fault, TISM finally again took the stage on 25th November 1984 at Melbourne Uni's Tin Alley. The gathered students were stunned by the sounds emanating from the stage - and quickly departed to the cafe for a bag of fried dim-sims and a chiko roll. Quietly chuffed with how quickly they had managed to clear a popular student hang-out, TISM realised they were onto something. Something momentous. It was shit, but momentous shit. Two more visits to Tin Alley and the students realised TISM were onto something too. It was time to take TISM's assault on the senses to the rock venues of Melbourne, then the rest of Australia, and eventually, the world. OK, not much of the world but a bit of it.
The Reunion Tour concluded with 3 dates at the Good Things Music Festival in December 2022.
... or did it?
Yes it did.
... or did it?